Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tech Club Visit #1

For my first visit for tech club, I learned that the school has a mobile computer lab which sometimes is available to us, but sometimes is not because the cart is misplaced or the computers aren't charged. When we can't use the computers, there is an Elmo that we can use to project a book or paper for something else somewhat technology related. The people who did the tech club at our school before us were extremely helpful in telling us about their experience and what to expect. The coordinator wants us to focus on science as much as possible because she wants to do a science fair with the kids. She gave us some suggestions of what we could do, but said we can go in whatever direction we would like. The biggest challenge I think we'll face is not having the computers available to us. We will always have to have a back up plan in case that situation arises. I'm excited that the coordinator wants us to focus on science since that subject has the opportunity for experiments and other hands on things that the kids will be genuinely interested in. My main fear is that we will not accomplish everything that the coordinator would like us to do by the end of our tech club experience. The kids seem great and were fun to hang out with on our day of observation.

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