Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Final Tech Club Visit #6

Today was our final tech club visit and it ended extremely well.  We let the students put finishing touches on their presentations and posters for the first twenty minutes and then had them to present.  We have the 3rd through 5th graders in tech club, so the coordinator had the 2nd graders come in to watch the presentations after a few kids had already presented.  All of the students were very excited to present, with all but about three students volunteering to go.  They seemed proud of the work they had done, both on the posters and Keynote presentations.  Some were so excited that they presented twice, once in front of just the 3rd through 5th graders and then again when the 2nd graders came in.  A few parents got to see their kids present as well, and they seemed to really enjoy watching.  The projects ended up being a success after all of the students' hard work.  The coordinator had the kids thank us and they seemed genuinely happy and like they had fun.

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