Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tech Club Visit #2

     For our second tech club visit, we came on Monday instead of Tuesday because the after school club had previous plans for Tuesday. The book club from another class comes on Monday, so we worked in coordination with them, split the kids into two groups, and spent half of the time with each group, giving us only about 15 minutes with each group. In the time we had, we took a Halloween quiz on the National Geographic Kids' website as a group with our laptop screen projected so the kids could all see the questions and work together to answer them. After that we let the kids get their own laptops and they looked up ideas for science projects on Science Buddies. It was really hard to keep the kids interested in looking up ideas, and they were not shy about disliking it.
     Luckily we learned a lot more about what the coordinator wanted us to do in the upcoming weeks during this week's visit because she was more available to talk to us. Instead of science projects, the kids picked a subject or person they were interested in in book club and will be using the research they do there to create a presentation in our tech club. Originally she wanted the kids to use Prezi, but because each student has to create their own account, we decided to use Keynote since it is already included on their laptops. For next week we are planning on making a presentation example to show the students how to use the program and different ideas on how they can incorporate their own creativity into their presentations. Then we will give them time to make sample presentations about a topic of their choice to practice their skills.

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