Monday, November 12, 2012

Tech Club Visit #3

For our third tech club visit we introduced the students to the program Keynote. We made a PowerPoint presentation beforehand that we showed the kids using Keynote so they knew what their presentations would look like. We did not go into much detail on the presentations yet; we mostly let them get comfortable with the program while still starting their presentations. Most of the students had never used the program before, so we spent the majority of the club time helping students with individual questions. Many of them were excited to show us what they had already accomplished, while others felt a bit frustrated by the new program. I think the day could have gone smoother had we given more instruction on how to use the program. Another obstacle we encountered was students who did not have a topic to do their presentation on because they did not attend book club the day before. For these students we allowed them to pick a topic of their choice that they already knew some information about so that they could create their presentations based on what knowledge they already possessed. Our following weeks will be focused on completing and presenting these Keynote presentations, and hopefully students will enjoy this project their coordinator has given us to accomplish.

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