Monday, November 26, 2012

Tech Club Visit #5

For today's tech club visit we combined with book club again.  The students worked on finishing their presentations for tech club and their posters for book club (on the same subject).  Some students only had a presentation or only had a poster, so they worked on whatever they had.  All of the students were extremely focused and engaged the whole time (surprising for right after Thanksgiving break!).  We helped students add finishing touches such as pictures, fonts, and backgrounds to finalize everything.  Unfortunately, one or two presentations got deleted from the laptops and those students had to either start over or create a poster instead; luckily these students were very easy going and worked well on their new projects.  Tomorrow we will have the students present both their posters and presentations to their peers, possibly the younger kids in the after school program, and any parents that decide to come, as the kids were encouraged to invite their parents to come.

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